Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Where is Glass Steagal now that we need him.
And how should he be updated?
Don't know who this Glass Steagal fellow is?
Search the internet.
After the tea party, then what?
Man the computers.
The real battle to recover is to be won
or lost on the Internet.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I was trapped between a liberal Democrat and conservative Republican at lunch.
After snarling through the whole meal at each other they both turned upon me and demanded
to know what I was. "A Shakespearean" said I. They each gave me a puzzled look.
"A Plague on both your houses. For at the end of the next four years I shall be able
to say all are punished.
Align Center

on nov 3

Wakiing up Nov. 3 all I could say was "Oh darn not the Dalleks again."

Monday, March 30, 2009

To cope with the next five years of the depression
you need the three FFFs
Faith Friends and Funny bone.
Obama is more like a rock star
than a leader. He is not held to that standard.
Not yet.
Patience is easier to come by when you
remember the concept of timing.
Midtem elections are comming in 2010.